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Canada Wants To Bring In Over 1 Million Immigrants in the Country in Just 3 Years – Apply Now

If you ever had the thought of moving to Canada, well, this is the best time to pack your bags and to Canada.

Since 1990, over 6 million immigrants have arrived in Canada, and the numbers are expected to increase at a steady rate, thanks to the friendly approach of Canada in bringing in more immigrants.

The parliament of Canada announced that they want to bring in over 1 million new permanent residents in the county in just 3 years. In case you’re wondering, 1 million is equivalent to one percent of Canada’s population.

In 2017 alone, Canada welcomed over 286,000 permanent residents, and for 2019, it is projected that Canada will bring in over 350,000 permanent residents.

From October 2017 to June 2018, applications for Canadian Citizenship rose by 130 percent. Nigeria and the Philippines are amongst the 10 countries that sent in immigrants to Canada.

For 2020, Canada wants to bring in over 360,000, and for 20201, Canada wants to bring in 370,000.
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Ahmed Hussen, the Minister of Immigration of Canada, Refugees, and Citizenship, said, “Thanks in great part to the newcomers we have welcomed throughout our history, Canada has developed into the strong and vibrant country we all enjoy.”

Ahmed Hussen is also an immigrant from Somalia.

In a report, Ahmed said, “Canada is a world leader in managed migration with an immigration program based on non-discriminatory principles, where foreign nationals are assessed without regard to race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or gender.”

The plan of bringing in more immigrants will help Canada offset their aging population and the decline of their birth rate.

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Ahmed said bringing in more immigrants will help them grow their labor force.

In a report that was released by the government of Canada, 1 out of 5 Canadians are immigrants.

The friendly attitude of Canada in bringing in more immigrants comes from the friendly approach of United States and other European Countries.

Unlike the United States, Canada welcomes three times as many immigrants per capita.

The immigration policies of Canada also help and offer protection for refugees from around the world, you just have to be eligible for calling yourself a refugee.