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International Experience Class in Canada

IEC is a programme that allows young people to work in Canada for a limited amount of time. Youth from more than 30 countries can apply for an open work visa, allowing them to work for any employer in Canada. IEC aims to strengthen economic, social, and cultural relations between Canada and its trading partners.


Citizens of countries with which Canada has a bilateral Youth Mobility Arrangement may be eligible for IEC work permits if they are between the ages of 18 and 35.

Work permits issued under IEC are exempt from the Labor Market Impact Assessment requirement (LMIA).

The LMIA is a labour market test that the Canadian government frequently does to determine how the presence of foreign employees may effect Canadian workers.

International Experience Canada, on the other hand, exists to promote Canada’s economic, social, and cultural relationships with other countries.

As a result, IEC participants have the following alternatives for obtaining a Canadian work permit.

Working Holiday

Working Holiday participants are eligible for an open work visa that is good for one to two years. Participants with open work permits can work for nearly any Canadian business anywhere in the country. Some countries’ citizens may be allowed to stay in Canada for longer or shorter periods of time.

The Working Holiday category is for individuals who:

  • do not have a job offer;
  • want to work for more than one employer in Canada;
  • want to work in more than one location; and/or
  • want to earn more so they can travel.

There are some other categories:

  • Young Professionals
  • International Co-op Internship